
Colorado grown — born and raised at 5280.
“I don’t like country music but I like you.”
Maybe it’s that “no-fear-of-the-edge” mentality that hooks the non-country-lovin’ folk… but no doubt the 6’4” bass-baritone powerhouse melts, molds, and moves you the way only a man of country music can.
The most common question a singer will be asked is, “When did you start singing?” Buckstein’s answer: “When I found out that the chicks dig it.” Sounds like a punchline but it’s the truth.
He was 13, at summer camp, trying to figure out how to meet girls like everyone else. A couple of girls were singing “Amazing Grace” and he shyly scooted up next to them and started singing along. “When they found out I could sing they immediately introduced me to all the other girls in the camp,” he chuckles. “I’ve been singing ever since.”